Thriller – Michael Jackson
sol sol la sib sol re / It’s close to midnight
fa sol sol fa sol fa sol sib sol re / Something evil’s lurkin’ in the dark
sol sol la sib sol re / Under the moonlight
fa fa sol sol fa sol fa sol sib sol re / You see a sight that almost stops your heart
sol sib RE DO sol / You try to scream
DO DO sib sib la la sol fa sol sib sol / But terror takes the sound before you make it
sol sib RE DO sol / You start to freeze
DO DO sib sib la la sol fa sol sib / As horror looks you right between the eyes
sib DO sib RE DO / You’re paralyzed
RE FA RE SOL FA / ‘Cause this is thriller
FA MI RE / Thriller night
RE RE DO DO sib sib sol / And no one’s gonna save you
sib DO RE DO DO sib DO / From the beast about to strike
RE FA RE SOL FA / You know it’s thriller
FA MI RE / Thriller night
RE RE DO DO sib sib / You’re fighting for your life
sol sib DO DO# sib / Inside a killer
DO# sib FA SOL RE DO sib / Thriller tonight, yeah
sol sol la sib sol re / You hear the door slam
fa fa sol sol fa sol fa sol sib sol re / And realize there’s nowhere left to run
sol sol la sib sol re / You feel the cold hand
fa fa sol sol fa sol fa sol sib sol re / And wonder if you’ll ever see the sun
sol sib RE DO sol / You close your eyes
DO DO sib sib la la sol fa sol sib sol / And hope that this is just imagination
sol sib RE DO sol / Girl, but all the while
DO DO sib sib la la sol fa sol sib / You hear a creature creepin’ up behind
sib DO sib RE DO / You’re outta time
RE FA RE SOL FA / ‘Cause this is thriller
FA MI RE / Thriller night
RE RE DO DO sib sib / There ain’t no second chance
sol sib DO RE DO DO sib RE DO sib / Against the thing with the forty eyes, girl
(SOL FA) / (Thriller)
(FA MI RE) / (Thriller night)
RE RE DO DO sib sib / You’re fighting for your life
sol sib DO DO# sib / Inside a killer
DO# sib FA SOL RE DO sib / Thriller tonight
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